With our extensive experience in messaging systems on Linux/Unix operating systems, we can offer an elegant and affordable mail service called tuxgmail. We offer this service currently on any Red…
With our extensive experience setting up and managing proxy servers using Squid on Linux or Unix operating environments, we can offer an elegant and affordable proxy configuration service called tuxgproxy.…
Are you a web hosting company, looking to outsource technical support of your Unix or Linux hosting servers? Are you an IT company developing Unix/Linux based software and looking for…
ExamCell is a hosted service (software-as-a-service) that is useful to Engineering Colleges in India who would like to IT-enable their students' exam registration and payment process. This service will not…
vtiger CRM is an open source Customer Relationship Management software that is well suited to small and medium businesses. With vtiger, you get the software absolutely free. All you have…
Joomla! is a popular content management system based on PHP and MySQL. It's popularity can be attributed to the ease with which a newbie can learn and develop web sites.…
OrangeHRM is an open source human resources management software aimed at small and medium enterprises (SMEs) by providing a flexible and easy-to-use HRM system that can be deployed quickly. It…
Koha is the first open source integrated library management system that is widely in use around the world. It is an enterprise-class ILS with comprehensive functionality. It includes modules for…
Moodle is a popular open source learning management system. Institutions around the world use this platform to conduct fully online courses, while some use it to augment classroom training. Moodle…
The first step to have your own web site is to register a domain that is suitable to your business or purpose. There are organizations around the world called domain…
Web site is a way of showcasing your organization on the Internet. It gives the first impression of your business to prospective customers and partners. We use HTML, CSS, LAMP…
Hosting the web site on a powerful web server is as important as having a good design for your site. We use powerful Unix or Linux servers featuring high-speed disks…
Having a great web site designed and hosted on one of the most reliable servers in the world is not enough.How does the world know that your web site exists?…
We can market your websites using Google! AdWords Pay-per-Click Campaign which shows your Ads to prospective clients and makes them notice your business immediately. Using AdWords, your advertisement would be…
We can plan, install and manage your Linux Servers, Desktops and Network remotely or on-site in a more cost-effective yet efficient manner round-the-clock irrespective of time zones. We can even…